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Sharing Faith Without Confusion

When believe

The 'If' Test

In the Gospe

The Disguises of Satan in the Church

In the area

The Call to Spiritual Maturity: A Warning for Today’s Church

In Hebrews 5:12-14, there is

God's Wrath vs Persecution

Believers so

Choose your hard

The origins of the well-known phrase “Choose your hard” apparently stem from a poem written by Devon Brough, but in t

God’s Revelation and Humanity’s Response

Childhood dreams shouldn’t stop in adulthood

As I was sitting here today pondering over my morning coffee, a thought occurred to me.

Mind matters, an introduction to my column

I would like to formally introduce myself to the fine folks of Weston County even though many may know me (yes, I loo

Spread the love of literature

I’ve always loved to read. While in school, my favorite subjects were English, reading, and history.

God's Promises Never Expire

In the journ

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Prayer

In Romans 8:26-27, Paul offe

Beware of False Prophets

In Jeremiah

Why do we Worship on Sunday

After the resurrection of Je

Drawing Near to the Trough

Imagine a tr

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