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She said she would

She said she would, and she did.

The local spending compounding impact

When consumers spend money at local businesses rather than online retailers or out-of-town chains, dollars tend to re

Earn your sticker

As you head to your respective polling place on Tuesday for the 2024 General Election we want to encourage you to be

In memory of Bill Morris

Bill Morris, a respected figure in our community, passed away recently.

The Woman at the Well: Her Side of the Story

This narrative is a ficti

Halloween and Holiness: Followers of Christ Must Decide

Halloween, celebrated on Oct

Take No Part
Diligence in Studying God's Word

In 2 Timothy 2:15, the Apost

A Conversation with Jonah

Beyond Failure: Discovering God’s Purpose in Our Struggles

Feeling like a failure is so

Because God Loves Me

Wyoming Needs a Vision for the Future

Wyoming needs forward-thinking leadership.  We are at a major inflection point in our state’s history, and we need to

Teacup tempests and spilled beer

I do not understand the infatuation with cancel culture. It is an absurdity that screams hypocrisy.

First step to victory

It’s a well known adage that we play like we practice.

Our sacrifice

It struck me so clearly, my struggle to understand why so many are having trouble recognizing what is the Lord’s evid

God Sees the Tears

In 2 Kings 20, we find the s

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