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Exploring our trails

I’ve loved hiking for as long as I can remember.

The Trump trial and early importance of the right to a jury trial

On May 29, 2024, at 11:28 EST, a New York jury of seven men and five women filed out of a Manhattan courtroom to begi

A chance to choose our future

Election season has arrived.  Candidate filing for partisan elected offices closed on Friday, so we now know who is s

May I have a word or two?

As Robert Frost wisely suggested, one should try to “unite (his) avocation with (his) vocation.” I have done my best

Tips for cleaning and sanitizing your kitchen

A clean kitchen is one way we prevent food-borne illness.

Justice Black to his wife: “You must be beyond reproach”

Justice Hugo Black loved the Supreme Court as much as anyone who has held a seat on the nation’s High Bench.

Ending your life is not the answer to your situation

You are at the end of your rope and you can’t take it much longer. You are in pain and you feel there is no hope.

Adler: The Court’s commitment to equal protection became real and urgent in Brown, 70 years ago

On May 17, 1954 -- 70 years ago last week -- the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a landmark ruling in Brown v. Bd.

How To Find A Good Mental Health Counselor

Many people have a difficult time in finding an effective mental health counselor that will help them get their life

Dedicate time in the summer

It’s official. The high school sports seasons have come to a close for the year.

Do we love God and ourselves enough to change?

I recently read a story about an elderly preacher who was invited each week to speak at a school in Africa and he mad

Economic diversification is key to Wyoming’s future

Politicians and public commentators talk a lot about economic diversification in Wyoming, and with good reason.  Econ

Facing the fear and anxiety of the unknown

Almost everybody worries about what will happen in the future.

Goodbye to seniors

As we count down the days to the end of the school year and look forward to lazy, relaxing summer days, teachers and

Christ is interceding on your behalf today

Some individuals are healthier than others, but the uncomfortable facts reveal the human body is generally frail and

If it seems ‘fishy’...

If it seems ‘fishy’ …

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