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Newcastle Council Minutes June 6, 2022

NLJ Staff

MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2022
Mayor Pam Gualtieri called this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Gualtieri; Council members Don Steveson, Ann McColley, Daren Downs. Tyrel Owens and Lance Miles. Also present were City Attorney Mark Hughes, Department Heads City Engineer Mike Moore, and City Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty. 
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Gualtieri added Bruce Perkins to the agenda under Citizens Business -Verbal and Tyrel Owens requested to add backyard chickens under the Mayor and Council Member Reports. Tyrel Owens moved, Daren Downs seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Don Steveson moved, Ann McColley seconded to approve the minutes of the regular meeting and executive session of May 16, 2022. Motion carried.
NOMINATIONS FOR RECOGNITION: Jen Womack for the opening of her new business on Main Street.
Andersen Plumbing requested to add apprentice Nathan Anderson to their current Plumbing License. Don Steveson moved, Tyrel Owens seconded to approve this request. Motion carried.
Tom Voss was present representing the Weston County Arts Council to discuss upcoming events. There are two Warm Summer Nights planned, June 17, 2022 & July 15, 2022. Discussion was had regarding a motorcycle parade that was scheduled for Friday, June 17, 2022. Mr. Voss was pleased to share this date with the motorcyclist and will work with Engineer Moore to make these events work well together.
Bruce Perkins was present to request the relaxation of open container ordinance for the June 17th event of Warm Summer Nights from 4:00 to 10:30 p.m. on Main Street between barricades  including the West side of the Library lawn. Tyrel Owens moved, Don Steveson seconded to approve this request. Motion carried. Mr. Perkins then requested the City Council to consider restricting the parking or RV travel trailers on Main Street. Mayor Gualtieri stated that this matter will be discussed at a Streets Committee meeting.
Backyard Chickens: Mayor Gualtieri voiced concern in regards to the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza cases and stated that at this time the Wyoming Livestock Board had not rescinded the Chapter 26 on the emergency poultry rule. Councilman Tyrel Owens stated that he would like to have an ordinance regarding backyard chickens adopted. Mayor Gualtieri read two letters from Newcastle City residents that were not in favor of backyard chickens and had many concerns. Tyrel Owens moved to research and adopt an ordinance regarding backyard chickens, seconded Lance Miles. Motion carried. Don Steveson was opposed to this motion. Councilman Steveson went on record stating that twenty people in a meeting does not represent 3,000 people in the community and he wants the voices of those that have talked to him personally to be heard.
City Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty: None 
City Attorney Mark Hughes stated that he will begin working up the ordinance pertaining to backyard chickens. Attorney Hughes then requested the Council to approve the ten year lease with Wyoming Department of Transportation. Don Steveson moved, seconded Ann McColley to approve the lease. Motion carried. 
City Engineer Mike Moore asked Attorney Mark Hughes if the annexation information presented by Jessie Kennedy was sufficient to consider. Attorney Hughes stated that he did not believe this information was sufficient. Engineer Moore referred to an ordinance regarding carports and C-2 zoning. Attorney Hughes recommended giving the Council some time to review and putting this on the agenda for the June 20, 2022 Council Meeting. Engineer Moore then stated that a portion of the retaining wall on S. Summit has come down. The property owners of 17 S. Summit and 25 S. Summit were in attendance and stated that they would like to work with the City to preserve the historical sandstone walls. Engineer Moore will contact the State Historical Preservation Office to see if there is a grant available. Engineer Moore reported that the Police Department Renovation Agreement has been signed with a preconstruction meeting scheduled for June 13, 2022. He also reported that the Boyd Ave. waterline project is on schedule, the contractors plan to complete waterlines next week and begin paving. Engineer Moore stated the renegotiated agreement with DRM for the Well No. 5 project has been worked out and hopes to have that signed and passed back to the City soon. He has been working a draft agreement with Bearlodge for design on the Highway 16 pathway project, he is working on construction grant for that phase of the project. Engineer Moore then reported that he is in the process of trying to get plans finalized for Sage Street, to get construction started. He then stated that Wyoming Department of Transportation asked if the City of Newcastle would want to be added to a project that they plan to start in 2025 for work on Highway 85 to Duff Ave. Engineer Moore will draft a letter stating that the City would like to be added to that project. Landfill No. 1 remediation consultant selection has been scheduled for June 28, 2022. Consultants have been narrowed down three resident engineering firms, HDR, StanTech and TriHydo. Engineer Moore ended his report with stating that the City currently has 6 seasonal employees with another starting next week.
Mayor Gualtieri presented the reports for the Newcastle Police Department. A request to approve a $0.50/hour raise for Taylor Ide starting June 6, 2022 for completing his one year of probation. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Don Steveson to approve this request. Mayor Gualtieri then read the calls for service. For May 2022, 431 calls for Newcastle Police Department, 98 calls to the CSO officer and 4 calls for the Newcastle City Crew for a total of 533 calls. Year to date calls, 1,817 calls to the Newcastle Police Department, 425 calls to the CSO officer and 24 calls for the Newcastle City Crew for a total of 2,266 calls. May 2022 had 335 in person in lobby contacts.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: : Ann McColley moved, seconded Don Steveson to suspend the rules and go into an executive session reference personnel per W.S. 16-4-405(a)(ii) at 7:54 p.m. Motion carried. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Ann McColley to return to regular session at 9:07 p.m. Motion carried. No action taken.
CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Academy Solutions, supplies, $136.14; Aced Embroidery, embroidery work, $216.00; American Business Solutions, website maintenance, $300.81; AT&T Mobility, $865.60; Bearlodge Engineering, engineering services, $16,069.10; Black Hills Energy, electric/gas services, $12,809.89; Bomgaars, supplies, $451.58; Butler Machinery, supplies, $1735.13; Cambria Improvement & Service District, concrete building, $10,000.00; Cambria Supply, parts/supplies, $471.60; Campbell County Health, testing, $38.00; Campbell County Health EMS, monthly distribution; $8,333.33; City of Newcastle, wa/sw/ga services, $735.84; CNA Surety, annual municipal judge bond, $100.00; Dakota Fluid Power, Inc., repair services, $828.30; Daniel Bartley, deposit refund, $77.62; Dave & Tera Stevens, deposit refund, $77.62; Dell Marketing, server, $21,484.26; Department of Revenue, repayment of taxes, $1,021.15; Derek’s Field Service, equipment maintenance/repair, $450.00; Douglas R. Dumbrill, municipal judge fees, $1,078; Eastern Wyoming Equipment Co., parts/supplies, $202.39; Farnsworth Services, contract work/portable rental, $20,780.00; Fisher Sand & Gravel, crushed rock, $2,223.15; Focus, quarterly distribution, $1,250.00; Forterra Pipe & Precast, parts/supplies, $4,658.30; Frontier Home Ranch and Hardware, parts/supplies, $522.43; Hansen Equipment, parts, $25.00; Heartland Kubota, LLC, parts/supplies, $33,651.36; Hughes Law Office, attorney fees, $3,500.00; Jones Construction, “L” buttress, $960.00; Ketel Thorstenson, LLP, accounting assistance, $150.00, Kirk Blumenthal, deposit refund, $85.02; Leonard Lang, deposit refund, $38.60; Lonnie Dickinson, deposit refund, $143.17; Mary Lou Soars, deposit refund, $47.30; Mastercard, supplies/fuel, $4,116.45; Mission Communication, LLC, supplies, $3,684.20; Municipal Emergency Services, supplies, $612.98; Newcastle Area Chamber of Commerce, quarterly distribution, $3,250.00; Newcastle Recreation Board, quarterly distribution, $9,575.00; Newcastle Volunteer Fire Dept., travel/training/supplies, $942.56; News Letter Journal, legals/ads/supplies, $1,658.42; Normont Equipment, parts/equipment rental, $6,218.19; Northern Wyoming Mental Health, quarterly distribution, $1,625.00; Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc., parts/supplies, $14,865.30; On Target Ammunition, training ammunition, $789.69; Oscar Pulido, deposit refund, $96.73; Postmaster, box fee, $312.00; Powder River Energy Corp., electrical/gas services, $1,347.33; Range, telephone service, $1,252.64; Rapid City Journal, advertising, $69.68; Rebecca Reinhart, deposit refund, $15.37; Reinhold & Shela Tuerk, deposit refund, $39.73; Ricks Electric, electrical services, $831.25; Genell Rothleutner, cleaning services, $200.00; Salt Creek Water District, sewer services, $555.00; Bryand Streeter, monthly distribution. $1,333.33; Lucky Teigen-Grummons, cleaning services, $300.00; Top Office Products, Inc., copier charges, $57.00; Valli Information Systems, monthly maintenance, $136.44; Verizon, cell phone service, $381.84; Becky Vodopich, cleaning service, $300.00; Wesco Gas, propane, $1,949.00; Weston County Children’s Center, quarterly distribution, $2,250.00; Weston County Health Services, random testing, $236.00; Weston County Peace Officers Association, membership dues, $210.00; Weston County Road & Bridge, fuel charges, $1,060.57; Weston County Treasurer, electric/gas/phone/handling charges, $1,245.84; Weston County Gazette, subscription, $30.00; Weston County Humane Society, quarterly distribution, $5,000.00; Weston County Senior Services, quarterly distribution, $7,500.00; William Webster, deposit refund, $46.62; Wyoming Home Services, quarterly distribution, $1,500.00; Wyoming Office of State Lands, loan payment/interest, $9,736.20; Zabel Association, appraisal analysis, $2,500.00.
Ann McColley moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to pay the claims against the City dated May 16, 2022. Motion carried. Daren Downs moved, seconded Don Steveson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council at 9:08 p.m. Meeting adjourned.
Pam Gualtieri, Mayor
ATTEST: City Clerk/Treasurer, Stacy Haggerty
(Publish June 16, 2022)

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